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BW Building,Estate and Safety Services

The Handy Man To Know

Brian Wilkinson formed BW Building, Estate and Safety services in the summer of 2010. As an experienced building manager he decided to use his practical knowledge, skills and qualifications to provide an affordable solution to those small but significant problems faced by the house holder, landlord and small business.

There is a flexible approach to the way and times that I work, not a nine to fiver, working at time that suit you. My normal working day, like so many others is based on an eight hour day, however the time I start and finish is dictated by your needs. I am available between the hours of eight A.M. and 10 P.M. so the days of taking time off work for that minor piece of work has gone.

The types of work under taken since I formed BW Building, Estate and Safety Services have been many and varied:

  • Exterior painting

  • Interior painting

  • Upgrading to digital TV

  • Pointing

  • Repairing roofs

  • Exterior tiling

  • Hanging doors

  • Repairing damaged concrete stairways and ramps provided for people with disabilities

  • Fitting kitchens

  • Repairing burst pipes

  • Building and repairing patios

This work has been, interesting, challenging and motivating and has given me a great deal of satisfaction as well as having a wide range of satisfied customers. As I planned when I set up BW Building, Estate and Safety Services the services have been provided to a mix of business, commercial landlords and private residential.

I am looking forward to increasing the work undertaken as well as hiring staff to asist me with what is now a growing successful business.

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